Case Study : Manufacturing Power: Normalization of Submitted Client ERP Data

Case Study : Manufacturing Power: Normalization of Submitted Client ERP Data


Client needed a business process solution to standardize the output of many ERP systems. To accomplish this, Becoming Machinic built a solution to produce a uniform database with an API endpoint.


Manufacturing Power had various files (PDF, CSV, etc.) coming to them from their clients, all from different client ERP systems. These files were inconsistent, unreadable, and unusable in their original state, and had to be manually normalized before they could be used. Manufacturing Power needed to render the data from these files into a standard format to ingest into their database in order to bring the MVP for, a data analytics tool for part pricing, to market.


Becoming Machinic created ingestion and output endpoints to pass these files through Accomplishing this involved identifying where the data is in each file, what the data is, and where it needs to end up.

First, an ingestion endpoint uploads the files to for processing. Then, a classification engine sorts the files into types. From there, each input file is transformed into a standardized data object, which is made available via the provided output API. The data is then transferred into their database for use in their system.

Additionally, Becoming Machinic created processes for data sanitization and applying a uniform schema, so that all data meets the same standard.


Document recognition, data extraction, business process automation.


Manufacturing, Industrial Supplies
SIC: 50, 508
NAICS: 423, 42384


Minnesota, USA



Business Processes Optimized

ERP Data Standardization,
Business Process Solution